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Category Archives: Lifestyle tips

Before You Give Away Your Old Clothes…

I’ve discovered a whole new type of app that I’ve recently become obsessed with. You’ve probably heard of, or even been to, a store that resells used clothing. For instance … Continue reading

April 28, 2014 · Leave a comment

Teen Insecurities

As like most teenage girls, I had my fair share of insecurities. It’s not until later in my teenage years I realized that it was bullshit. While your insecurities circle … Continue reading

March 24, 2014 · Leave a comment

Life Is NOT A Reality Show

The stereotype that teenagers love reality shows is on point. We’ve all watched them, most of us like them. As for me, my mother and I binge watch them like … Continue reading

March 4, 2014 · Leave a comment

5 Things I’m Guilty Of

Let’s face it. We all do things that we’d flat out deny if brought up. I just so happen to do these things a lot. My family is the unfortunate … Continue reading

March 1, 2014 · Leave a comment

Cheap Weekend Fun

1. Build a Puzzle Confession: I’m currently addicted to puzzles. I’ve done four 1,000 piece puzzles in the last month or so. Wow that sounds a lot less exciting than … Continue reading

February 25, 2014 · Leave a comment

Teen Survial Guide- Cruise Edition

Our family goes on an annual cruise, and as for my sister and I, we dread some of it. Here are my tricks and tips for our cruises. 1. Phone … Continue reading

February 25, 2014 · Leave a comment

Life Hack Alert!

I currently babysit for a living, and let’s face it, kids are like sloppy drunks. They say the weirdest things, they cry for no reason, start fights (hopefully not involving … Continue reading

February 25, 2014 · 1 Comment

5 Tips For Saving Money

I have to admit, I’m not the best at saving money, but I do have some tips for those of you who have a rare trait called self-control. 1. Plan … Continue reading

February 24, 2014 · Leave a comment

Blah, blah, and more blah.

Parents always seem to say “You should be thankful for what you have,” but all we seem to hear is “blah, blah, blah.” And trust me, I’ve heard that one … Continue reading

February 23, 2014 · Leave a comment
