Miss Diction

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5 Tips to Clearer Skin

I’m not going to lie to you, acne sucks. It’s not going to diminish overnight, but I’ve come to find some amazing tricks over the years.

1. My Go-To DIY Mask
If this doesn’t work for you- I almost won’t believe you! I swear by this mask and it’s so easy to make you probably already have the ingredients. I originally found this on Pinterest and I snagged the link to share. Here it is. Note: It is a little messy. It crumbles off when it dries out. Also, I replaced orange juice with lemon juice.

2. Tightening Scrub

Some people use this on cellulite- personally I haven’t tried that yet. I made this and applied it to my face. It does sting slightly, but it’s that kind of sting that makes you think, beauty is pain, my friend. Pretty simple and you’ll just have to dig some ingredients out of the cupboard and sacrifice some sacred coffee, but it’s so worth it!
I also snagged this link from Pinterest. I’ve only used it once, but I loved the results. Click here for a recipe and directions.

3. Tea Bag
Not that kind of tea bag. Get your head out of the gutter. After you have your morning green tea, squeeze out those bags gently. Simple place them over your eyelids and covering right under your eyes where those- dare I say it- dark circles come in. It helps a lot! Any green tea will do the trick. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.

4.Coconut Oil
You know that coconut oil you use to cook with? Yep, that’s it! It has amazing health benefits. Put a little on the ends of your hair- miraculous for split ends. My favorite way to use it is on my face. Take a dab (seriously, a dab. If you use too much it won’t dry quickly and it will feel like your skin is caked in oil like McDonalds floors.) Just put a little on your face and rub it in. I used this for two days before prom and there was absolutely a noticeable difference.

5. Leave It Alone!

Yeah, I said it. Someone had to. If you’ve had no success with any of these at home remedies- leave your face alone! Just don’t touch it! Get your hand away from your face right now! Picking your face does nothing except irritate it more, and more, and more. Your hands are covered in germs and grossness. If you have acne, it’ll only make it worse to add more bacteria to spread around. Let it be for a while, and if you continue to have endless breakouts with no light at the end of the tunnel, go see a dermatologist to get some assistance. I know a few family members who have prescription creams or antibiotics to assist in conquering acne.

I highly recommend these techniques! Be sure to let me know how they work for you.


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This entry was posted on February 24, 2014 by in Health & Beauty and tagged , , , .
