Miss Diction

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Blah, blah, and more blah.

Parents always seem to say “You should be thankful for what you have,”
but all we seem to hear is “blah, blah, blah.” And trust me, I’ve heard that one a few times. I know where you’re coming from when you want to run away from home after being denied of the new iPhone. It seems like the whole world is going to kick into a tailspin because you need, and I mean need, to be able to unlock your phone by scanning your fingerprint. After contemplating fleeing my home multiple times, I started to think. Maybe my mom isn’t the Hitler-esque woman I thought she was being (I mean, only Hitler would deny his daughter of such a precious piece of technology,) but instead maybe she was right. I know, can you believe your mom was actually right? That’s just complete and total absurdity, but she was. I should be thankful for what I have, and that’s why now I go out of my way to tell the people around me how thankful I really am to them. (It’s actually so uncommon that my aunt once laughed because she thought I was being sarcastic.) I don’t want to be that unthankful person that seems like everyone owes her the world, and the truth is I’ve never been that person, but I never showed how much I truly cared. You’re not going to spontaneously combust without the iPhone, but your bridges with your loved ones may. That is, if you don’t tell them how thankful you are more often.

But really, how cool is that new iPhone…


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This entry was posted on February 23, 2014 by in Lifestyle tips and tagged .

